Mining Ghost Town In Romania

When we woke up in the morning of the second day of our backpacking trip, the peak we camped on for the night was surrounded by dense fog. However, we didn't let that stop us, since we had a very special goal for this day: Hiking to an old mining ghost town with many kilometers of unexplored abandoned tunnels leading deep into the mountain.

With that goal in mind, we started descending the peak. However, we didn't make it far: Shortly before reaching the pass, we lost the trail, since the fog had gotten even worse and the entire area was covered with snow from the previous winter.

After being to find unable any path at all, we decided to just follow the way on the map on our phones via GPS. This turned out to be a good idea: even though the mountainside was insanely steep and covered in snow (one wrong step could have lead to a severe injury or even death), we managed to get a good hold by using our tripods as walking sticks and even met some people hiking up the mountain where we slept on the previous night.

Several hours later, we made it to the road at the bottom of the mountain without any bigger issued. Nevertheless, because of the snow, it still took us a lot longer then expected, so we tried our luck by hitchhiking.
Luckily, it didn't take long for us to catch a ride to the nearest town where we also restocked our food supplies, since we wouldn't have any more access to buy food along the rest of our trip.

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The mountain shelter
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Trying to find the path in the fog
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After taking a short break in the town, we headed for the opposite side of the valley to start our ascent of the mountainside where the mining ghost town was located.
It didn't take long for us to come across the first signs of mining activity as hiked up the mountainside: we found ruins, partially flooded tunnel entrances and also came across the first abandoned buildings.

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The lower mining tunnels weren't very interesting and filled with water

We decided not to spend much time exploring these lower tunnels and the buildings, since the sun was already quite low in the sky and it would take us at least another two hours to get to the actual mining ghost town where we hoped to find more interesting things.
The hiking trail we took in order to get there was very steep and in a bad condition, so when the mining ghost town came into sight, the sun was already setting, which made for a great atmosphere for some pictures. We also explored some of the buildings and ended up setting up our camp on one of the rooftops, so that we would be able to explore this stunning place fully in the next morning.

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The buildings with a view of the mountain we camped on the previous night
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One of the entrances to the mining tunnels we wanted to explore the next morning

[Article will be continued soon...]